One of the best strength coaches in the world, Mike Boyle, wrote an article once asking how well would you take care of your car if someone told you at age 16 that it would be your one and only? Chances are you would religiously look after every aspect of that car to make sure it lasts forever. We only get once chance with the body we have, and we often do not look after it or take care of it. We constantly drive our bodies at 100 mph and fill it with the cheapest gas.
Today people always love to find ways to avoid taking care of your body the right way. When you are not satisfied with how you look, people will look for the quickest, easiest short term solution. Buying designer jeans that fit to your new "curves", liposuction, tucks, lifts, plucks, and anything else plastic surgeons can do is like turning up the radio when your hear a funny noise coming from your car. We also look at the luxuries that people indulge in with cars, jewerly, fancy dinners, shoes, etc. Yes you feel cool when you put it on, but people don't think your a better person because you wear Louis Vuitton clothing.
My challenge to you is to eliminate 1-2 of these luxuries that your really don't need or could cut down on, and invest back into your body. Join a gym, hire a knowledgeable trainer, sign up for a team, or all of the above. If you COMMIT, you will see results. Please get some guidance though. You can find good trainers in a small group setting from $30-50 a session. Do that 3 times a week its around $90-150 a week, or $250-$600 per month. Sounds like a lot at first, but how much is your car a month. You'll probably trade that in 2 years from now. You can't trade in your body no matter how fast science is advancing. Look at other luxury expenses like going out to eat, shopping, and cool new gadgets. Lets say you spend $5 a day at Starbucks, 5 days a week ($25). You can make your own coffee (or switch to green tea) and that pretty much pays one of your sessions every week but would get through your day without a vente frapp with soy milk, 3 shots of espresso and no gluton whip cream right?
What I'm trying to get through to you is to really look at how much your body is worth. Look at all the money you spend on materialistic things, yet you often neglect the one thing you can never trade in. It might be hard at first but once you commit to some sweat and hard work, you get a self of accomplishment and efficacy that can't be bought on ebay or even if you have the surgeons from Nip/Tuck.
great videos...clear & concise