I now cringe when I hear it. Similar to the evil 1950's teacher scratching the chalkboard at school, which you now must visualize and it probably made you clench your teeth in imaginary pain. My apologies. However lets think about how the we and the media use the word gifted.

If you ever meet Kobe, I dare you to tell him his game was just a gift. His jump shot? Yeah, it was carried down from his father in that jump shot DNA strand scientists just discovered. Oh his ability to control his body to get the defender off balance, yeah that was his Christmas present from 1999. The real gift is that his Dad was a professional basketball player, and he had the opportunity to watch and emulate for his entire childhood. That was the real gift.
When we see the elite perform, we forget about all the time they've spent working incredibly hard on their craft. The countless hours of deliberate practice and how much many of these people have sacrificed to be able to perform at the highest level. So please give them there credit. Their skill is not a gift from the DNA God's. Yes they might have a couple advantages when it comes to genetics, but I bet we could find thousands who had those same genetic gifts who didn't end up in the elite.
This classic Jordan commercial sums up my thoughts completely. Choose your words wisely and all but eliminate the word gifted when describing elite performers.